It Takes Time: Yogurt and a new year

“When we come to the Table in Communion
we are called to take time to be together….
It takes time:
time to serve the elements of The Meal, time to stand in line, time to think and pray, time to prepare to eat together, and time to remember how we got there.”

from Keeping the Feast: Metaphors for the Meal
by Milton Brasher-Cunningham

Of course, the holiday season just past is supposed to be about this taking slow time together. I’m sure it works that way for you, but we haven’t mastered the trick yet. Despite our detailed planning this Advent, and careful simplifying of life — we still found ourselves coming to the end of 2014 rushing to get everything in. Rushing to be fully present to everything. Rushing to slow down.

Communion the first Sunday of the new year is a brilliant idea. It gave me a place to take all the ways I failed to pay attention, listen, be still — and start over right there.

"Grain of the field, fruit of the vine" -- a homemade granola eucharist to go with homemade yogurt

“Grain of the field, fruit of the vine” — a homemade granola eucharist to go with homemade yogurt

Making my own yogurt is another act I can take to reset myself. While it’s not exactly convenient, it is very easy. It just requires attention to a few details and then several hours of waiting.

Why in the world would you want to make your own yogurt? For one, it’s a lot less expensive. You can make two quarts of organic plain yogurt for the same price you’d pay for one quart of non-organic. But more than that, the process of making yogurt — whisking a pot of creamy liquid, smelling milky steam, testing the temperature along the way — is remarkably soothing if you are willing to slow down and give it your full attention. And eating the yogurt we’ve made ourselves has nourished us first thing in the morning with a lot of joy.


1/2 gallon of 2% milk
1/2 cup of plain (unflavored) yogurt


Over a medium high burner, heat the 1/2 gallon of milk in a heavy pot until it’s about 190 degrees (or just shy of boiling), stirring occasionally to prevent it from scalding on the bottom. This can take 20-25 minutes, depending on the shape of your pot.

Let it cool to about 110 degrees (to speed the process, you can set the pot in a sink half full of cold water and ice packs). If a skin forms on top, just skim it off.

When the milk is at 110 degrees, dip out a 1 cup and mix in the 1/2 cup of plain yogurt. Whisk together, then pour the mixture into the warm milk and stir.

Pour the warm milk into two 1 quart containers (wide mouth mason jars work well, as do plastic container with good lids), cover and then set in a picnic cooler packed around with dish towels. Drop in a heating pad turned to its lowest setting. Let it go for at least 4 hours, but up to 24 hours is just fine. The longer it sits, the more probiotic-y (and the more tart) the finished yogurt.

Alternately, place the full pot of warmed milk, covered, in an oven pre-warmed to 200 degrees. Turn the oven off and keep the door closed for 4 to 24 hours.

Remove from the warmth and refrigerate until ready to eat. Sweeten each serving with honey and a bit of vanilla extract, or add fresh fruit or fruit preserves.

*NOTE: The healthy bacteria that turns milk into yogurt flourish in an environment that stays a temperature between 98-115 degrees. Heating the milk to near boiling first kills off any undesirable bacteria, then the good probiotics are added when the temperature is friendly to their growth. A cooler “culturing” temperature just means the yogurt will thicken more slowly. A warmer temperature may kill the probiotics altogether and just leave you with hot milk.

Making yogurt is a gentle, forgiving process. And who doesn’t need that in January?

Kitchen Interrupted

 ImagePaul and I just took these two out of the oven. The Fort Collins house smells like apple crumb and peach strawberry wrapped up in butter pastry. They are for an all-church gathering tonight, a dessert potluck followed by a town hall-style meeting where the congregation will get to practice listening and talking honestly about hard stuff. They’ll probably need patience and maybe even some of the forgiveness we’ve been talking about all through Lent.

I’ve been feeling a little bit like this these days — surrounded by so much sweetness on so many levels, while doing some sticky, risky inner business. Turns out no one can put pressure on me like I can put on myself. Turns out, left to my own devices, I will cower before the inner voice demanding I immediately become THE perfect


Turns out, trying to keep up with all the requirements I put on myself is really exhausting. Yet it is also highly addictive, so about the time I think I’ve “given up” trying to keep my own life under control, I find another area that needs just a little bit of fixing. Then another. And another. Until I’m flattened and overwhelmed, angry and ashamed.

Hence the sticky, risky inner business: deep breath, honest assessment, good cry, grace and good humor. Begin again.

Homemade sweets and challenging conversations. Beautiful life and inner crud. Just more of the fits and starts of this season. The mountain weather plays along, dropping snow one day and warming up to 65 sunny degrees the next. The only way to go forward is to commit to the transition, the ups and downs. The only way through is to welcome the mud.

And then there’s our house in Westcliffe, still its own glorious mess, still in the process of being reclaimed as Home. The last few days we spent down there, we crossed the point of no return in the kitchen. We don’t know how it’s going to turn out, but we’re committed to finding out!

Take a peek: 

How about you? What are the contrasts in your life these days? Where is Spring breaking in, all messy and pretty?


Comfort Food: Vegetarian Enchilada Pie

Tuesday morning, I was supposed to meet with some brand new friends and tell stories. Instead, I woke up with a raging sore throat and an aching body. I stayed in bed most of the next three days, reading a little. Sleeping mostly. Paul was amazing in keeping his vow about “in sickness,” bringing me saltines and vitamin c and orange juice before heading into full days, crammed with meetings and conversations and building new relationships with the church here.

Meanwhile, news of the flood damage keeps flooding in as waters recede. People around here are turning their attention from rescue to rebuilding.

Flu and floods…

Coming out of my own deluge of post-nasal drip, I was hankering for comfort food tonight. I’m Molly-Make-Do when it comes to cooking, so I looked at the left over lentils, the stack of corn tortillas, the lone zucchini squash… and came up with this (Inspired by the Lentil Meatball idea from Sprouted Kitchen):

Vegetarian Enchilada Pie (for two)

  • 2 cups cooked brown lentils
  • 1/3 cup of salsa
  • 1 Tblsp Olive oil
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic, diced
  • 1 Tblsp Chili powder
  • 1/2 tspn Cumin
  • Salt to taste
  • 16 oz of prepared Enchilada sauce (I used locally crafted Roberto’s Vegetarian Burrito Sauce)
  • 9 white corn tortillas
  • 3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 medium zucchini, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup diced tomatoes with green chili
  • chopped cilantro (for garnish)

Grease a 6×9 deep dish casserole pan

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees

photo 2

Lentil-smash: It’s what’s for dinner.

Put lentils and salsa in a food processor and pulse until paste-y.

In a saute pan, heat Olive oil on medium low and add chopped onions. Saute until just translucent. Add mashed lentils, diced garlic, chili powder, cumin and salt until heated through. Turn off heat and set aside.

In 6×9 pan, pour 1/3 of Enchilada sauce

Cover with three corn tortillas, spread 1/2 of seasoned lentils over tortillas.

Layerring is important in the changable Colorado weather

Layering is important in the changeable Colorado weather

Layer half of the slices of zucchini over lentils. Sprinkle 1/4 cup of shredded cheese over zucchini. Pour 1/3 of Enchilada sauce over cheese.

Repeat with three more tortillas, last half of lentils, remaining zucchini slices, another 1/4 cup of cheese and final third of Enchilada sauce.

Layer three more corn tortillas on top and cover with cup of diced tomatoes with green chili and last 1/4 cup of cheese.

Bake covered with foil for 25 minutes. Uncover and bake another 10 minutes. Let set about 5 minutes before serving.

Comfort Food: Enchilada Pie!

Comfort Food: Vegetarian Enchilada Pie!

This little low-fat, protein packed dinner was totally improvised. And now it’s just another good reason to make lentils and have fun Tex-Mex sauces around!

Shout Out! to Fort Collins local biz, Roberto’s Salsa’s and Saucesphoto 1

Moving In

So. We’ve just completed our big move. Since I’d begun packing up my apartment in late June, it seems we have been swimming in boxes. What I had proudly been thinking of as our “simple” households turned out to be physically and emotionally exhausting to combine, load, haul, unload, unpack and organize.

The final push to put away the few clothes, books, files and pie-making tools we brought to the already-furnished home we’re renting in Fort Collins turned out to almost be my undoing. We were at the end of our energy and sick-to-death of boxes. Where had all of this stuff come from anyway? When we took a break to go get our new coffee grinder, I walked into a store full of housewares and immediately felt sick to my stomach. All I could see on the shelves were thousands of things that someday – somewhere — would have to be moved.


Moving is exciting. I love the sense of starting fresh, discovering new places, opening up to new possibilities. But my worst moments in this move have come when there was so much movement I couldn’t take it in and I couldn’t make it stop. When my patience had worn thin and there was still a bedlam of clothes lying around, when too many boxes were labeled “misc.” and had to be dragged between rooms, what I wanted more than anything was some safe, stable corner of predictability and sameness. I ached for simplicity and stillness.

Decades ago, an artist neighbor told me, “you gotta have a good chaos going before any order can grow out of it.” Our chaos of bubble wrap and strapping tape crested and gave way to new organized cupboards and closets. I can find the cinnamon and that pair of hand-knit socks again. But I will never be able to stop change, never control the pace of loss or gain. Everything moves and keeps moving.


I believe simplicity is possible anyway. I believe sustained stability can unroll from the inside out.

And now that all our things are unpacked, I want to give my full attention to unpacking the truth about living a quiet life. I want to move so deep into simplicity of soul that I never have to load up and move again, no matter how many times my address may change.